Saturday, December 21, 2019

Learning Mental Health During Undergraduate Education

Learning mental health during undergraduate education can be challenging as it is a broad and complex sector of health care. Like complicated physical illnesses, there are also various problems, frameworks, and theories associated with a person’s mental aspect which can be hard to learn and explain if without further studies or exposures (Simon, 2014). Therefore, utilising other types of learning such as the continuing professional development (CPD) online or face-to-face activities are important so as to disclose any unknown or unfamiliar topics within the scope of mental health. CPD courses are established to encourage professionals, whatever their specialisation and career focus to maintain, update, and expand their current knowledge and competence (Australian College of Mental Health Nurses [ACMHN], 2015; Cleary, Horsfall, O’Hara-Aarons, Jackson, Hunt, 2011). As part of our study of mental health, I undertook two online CPD courses entitled â€Å"Chronic Diseases and Mental Health† and â€Å"Aggression Management.† The reasons why I selected these particular CPDs and how they contributed to my ongoing learning for mental health and its application to my work as a RN will be reflected in this essay. Additionally, I will also discuss some of my learning needs that were identified upon completion of these activities and the strategies to address such needs. My insufficient knowledge and expertise in assessing and communicating with patients who have aggressive behaviours, and haveShow MoreRelatedNursing Student Experiences1175 Words   |  5 Pagespersonal student interviews, the phenomenon of undergraduate nursing students experiences in the context of communicating the psychiatric patients was described. This pilot study suggests that one cannot fully understand the breadth and depth of this experience until one has lived the experience. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Business Research Report Free Essays

Social media, dating sites and shopping sites all use given registration information to learn more about consumers. The more companies know about people, the better they can decide who their potential customers should be and how to reach them. Social media is communication through online communities. We will write a custom essay sample on Business Research Report or any similar topic only for you Order Now The use of social media in marketing has become very popular over the last few years. This is a very effective way to promote content by increased visibility. Using these platforms also allows for more involvement with the customers to build more trusting relationships with them. Customer relationship management refers to software that records and analyzes all kinds of useful data. This info can be obtained in many different says by either the company or a third party. It is used to understand the customers and their buying habits. We recommend opening a Faceable and Twitter account, using those accounts to hyper target and creating a CRM database. We chose these specific technologies because they are fairly simple to implement and would be the most helpful for our company. Introduction The purpose of this report is to review and analyze new information technologies that can assist with marketing in the company. As of this year, there are over 950 companies that provide marketing software (Brinier 2014). Everyday, marketing professionals are looking for new ways to grow their business and technology has changed the way they reach new customers. These days, it’s all about the customers and what they want and because they have access to pretty much everything, marketers have to find a way to get their attention. It is estimated that people spend about 1 1 hours a day using some form of technology (Patronize 2014). Knowing this, traditional marketing just isn’t enough anymore. If companies want to keep up with consumers, they must keep up With technology. With all of the technology available for use, companies can have so much information at their fingertips. Out of all of the possibilities, we chose to examine social media, hyper targeting and customer relationship management (CRM) because we think those will work best for the company. Social media is very low cost and will allow us to reach a much bigger audience. We can engage the audience and build relationships with them this way. Hyper targeting will be used to identify potential customers and reach them more efficiently. This ensures that the people we advertise to are more likely to be interested in what we have to offer. Having a CRM database would low easy access to all of our information about our customers. This information can be used in anyway that our company sees fit. Hyper Targeting Hyper targeting is defined as the ability to identify potential consumers and deliver targeted advertising content. History The phrase â€Å"Hyper Targeting† was actually coined by Namespace (Gold, 2009). Namespace discovered that they could target consumers for ads based on the information provided in users’ registration and profiles. This information might include age, sex, geographic region, education, favorite movies, entertainment, restaurants, etc. Namespace discovered that because of the large numbers of registered users, they could target very specific user interests and still reach large numbers of people. Today, dating sites, social media sites and other sites that require user registration and other â€Å"self- expressed† user information all make use of hyper targeting. Hyper Targeting with Twitter and Faceable The social media sites Twitter and Faceable both make heavy use of hyper targeting. A company advertising on Twitter can target every Twitter user who has specific words in their public bio, or someone who uses particular words often in tweets, or someone who follows certain verified other retailers. Businesses can also create a user list using those specifications and show that group â€Å"promoted nets† (Smith, 2014). Faceable allows advertisers to target users by age, SeX, language, location, workplace, education, interests, browsing history and more, with different ads for different populations. Advertisers can even display ads in different languages, depending on whom they have hyper targeted (Albacore, 2011 Mobile Hyper Targeting Advertisers may target mobile device users based on the location Of the user, via a number of methods. Users’ locations can be estimated based on their IP address, but this method is not always accurate. A more accurate approach is to use the GAPS coordinates that the user has chosen to share with certain mobile applications. Once the users location is known, advertising may be targeted based on proximity to a particular place (I. E. The city center), or based on proximity to a particular retail outlet. Advertisers may also presume that users have a particular interest based on their location (I. E. If they are at a hockey game, perhaps they like sports), and target advertising accordingly (Kombi, 2013). Analysis Hyper targeting can be used to identify potential customers based on relevant criteria and deliver advertising to them. Hyper targeting may limit the size of the advertising audience, but the â€Å"targeted† consumers are much more likely to respond to the advertising. Hyper targeting is relevant to our company because it can help us determine who our customers are and/or should be, and it can help us reach them more efficiently. Social Media Social media, as most know, is a form Of electronic communication through online communities. According to Pew Research (2014), 90% of adults ages 8-29 use social media, which has made it a very popular way to market over the last few years. Social media is used to promote and inform, gain valuable feedback and build relationships with customers. Promotion Twitter and Faceable are often used for promotion and are very effective (and free). Customers look on these pages for all kinds of information about companies and social media is a fast and simple way to keep them updated. A company can invite people to like their page and share their posts and just like that, millions of people could be exposed to the content. The global average of a share on a social networking site is $3. 0 (Meyer-Brandt 2014). This is how much money the company makes due to increased visibility from each share of their content. Engaging Social media platforms are a great way for businesses to engage and build relationships with customers. This is now one of the fastest ways to communicate with people. Because it allows for two-way communication, where television and radio don’t, it is much easier to engage people. Companies can ask for people’s opinions with new projects and encourage them to share their content. Getting them to participate in voting, contests and provide feedback can help the company be more transparent to the public. Responding to questions and comments can make customer service experiences better. Analysis With social media being such a big part of society these days, there isn’t really a better way to market one’s business or product. This is important to us because we can reach a bigger audience to share information about our company with than we could using most other avenues. Social media marketing is usually free and will allow us to build relationships with our â€Å"followers† and involve them. The more involved they are, the better and more trusting relationships we have with them. Those relationships will lead o better experiences for our customers, who will spread the word and bring more business to us. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) can be defined as a strategy used to record and manage data and interactions with customers. This strategy usually involves using some kind of software that saves and analyzes data. Information The information collected could be contact info, demographic and complete transaction history. Surveys could be given to customers to find out what they like and don’t like. One method used to obtain information is to offer a shopping/loyalty card. Giving rewards and discounts to customers will encourage them to sign up, which is when they will provide some of their info. Some companies also use a third party to connect people to account numbers and credit cards. How it’s used The information can be used in many ways to help improve marketing. The idea is to understand the relationship between the company and the customer with their buying habits. All of the info that is recorded over time and through each and every customer interaction is saved in a database and is used to target customer’s specific needs. So, now it is easier to market the eight product to the right person for the right price. Implementing a CRM system can be very beneficial to the company. This is the fastest growing marketing tool in the last five years (Reardon 2011 All Of our information involving customers would be in one organized database. The marketing team would then have easy access to all of the info and use it as they see fit. Having this knowledge, marketers would be able to find more qualified customers, making the time spent doing so more valuable. This would save the company time and keep us from wasting money on marketing to the wrong people. Recommendations Our company, like others, relies on sales for profit. It is recommended that we take measures to increase those sales by implementing the findings. The first thing we should do is make a Faceable and Twitter account. We can designate people to administer these accounts, keep them updated and get people interested in our company. We should then, use our social media accounts to hyper target. There are various software programs to choose from or we can let Faceable and Twitter do all of that for us. Lastly, we should decide what information we want to use in a CRM database; what info ill be most helpful to our company. Then, we need to decide if we want to create our own database or if we want to pay a third party to do collect the information for us. These findings are important because they will help our company advance in marketing, which is likely to lead to higher sales. Social media is a fast and easy way to reach the most people. It permits us to communicate and engage existing and potential customers. We can also use these platforms to hyper target our content. Hyper targeting will help us by advertising to the people who are most likely to respond, getting the most out of our marketing. Creating a customer relationship management database will contain all of our customer’s information. How to cite Business Research Report, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Logistics And Supply Chain Management Coca Cola Group

Question: Discuss about the Report for Logistics And Supply Chain Management for Coca Cola Group. Answer: Introduction: Coca Cola is the global leader in production of non alcoholic beverages or soft drinks. It is one of the most trusted and valued brand in the world. It sells more than 400 brands in more than 200 countries (, 2016). So, we can say that it is one of the most recognized brands in the world. It started its journey in 1886 by Asa Griggs Candler in Atlanta and has covered more than a decade with both prosperity and challenges (, 2016). Coca cola serves more than 1.8 billion customers daily globally. This has been possible for its strategic supply chain management system. Although the basic recipe of the soft drink has remained the same over the years, it is the different applications and implementations of the supply chain management system that brings success to the organization. The multi-pronged tactics have been circumspectly calculated to distribute fresh products, stocked shelves and meet customers need and demand, no matter if the trade is th rough at super market in USA or a small retailer in India ("Cokes Muhtar Kent: Innovation Starts and Ends With the Consumer", 2016). The most common competitors of Coca Cola on a global scale are PepsiCo, Dr Pepper Snapple Inc., Monster Beverage Corp., and Suntory Beverage Food Ltd.; The Coca Cola Company has strategically succeeded in holding the lead position in the industry. As the supply chain manger of The Coca Cola Company, I am developing the following report to analyse the effectiveness of the four key flows in the supply chain, the make process and the supply chain forecasting. Also, based on my analysis I would be recommending improvements in the supply chain management. The Key Flows in Supply Chain: The supply chain system in soft drink industry is as same as other major industries: the manufactures, the distributors, the retailers and the end users or the customers. Though Coca Cola has more customized and complex supply chain management model that we are going to discuss in this report. Although The Coca Cola Company has vast brand and product diversity, so we are going to focus on particularly the brand of Coca Cola. The Product Flow: The Coca Cola is unique because it only produces the syrup concentrate and then it is distributed to diverse bottlers globally. It has only one bottling plant in North America which is known as Coca Cola Refreshments. But in most cases, the Coca Cola bottlers hold special territorial contacts with the organization receive the syrup concentrate from Coca Cola and produce the finished canned or bottled products. The final product is produced by concentrating the syrup concentrates with filtered water and other sweeteners. Then in the next process, the products are sold to distributors and merchandise which then goes to retailers or restaurants, or vending machines. The syrup concentrate is a syrup recipe of The Coca Cola which is kept trade secret and so there is a very little to no information about the actual ingredients or the costs that is required to produce the syrup concentration. The other ingredients that are used in manufacturing of Coca Cola soft drinks are Carbonated water, sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup, caffeine, phosphoric acid v. Caramel (E150d) and Natural flavours. Coca Cola has formed different strategic supply chain partnership with diverse suppliers who supply these ingredients to the organization. Coca Cola has been concentrating on independent bottlers who are responsible for majority of the sales of Coca Cola products that are sold globally. These bottlers receive the syrup concentration and are free to add more or less sugar according to the adoption of the local taste. Although these bottlers are on territorial contracts but they are free to distribution rights in their pre defined geographical location. Even if Coca Cola has set some predefined set of rules and regulations like operational processes, management of customer relationship and grievances management but they also experience freedom regarding developing other functional areas like workforce management, distribution management, and improving credit lines. The bottling plant s have their own supply chain management systems. The Cash Flow: Currently, the total number of individual bottling production and distribution unit of globally are 742 and 650 respectively. The management is working to give more freedom to the individual producers and distributors. According to a recent report, the total cash that the management has like cash in hand is $7.31 billion. In 2015, the total revenue that was collected by Coca cola was $10.53 billion. The Information Flow: The information flow within the Coca Cola is effectively managed which consist of forecasting methods, capacity administration, supplier management and other inventory and sales management are well connected between the head office and the production plant. The Coca Cola uses software which is BASES which controls the whole ERP for the global operations. Quarries related to production, management and customer grievances are handled through this software. The software constitutes information regarding regional sales, per capita consumption development, customer feedback regarding new product launch, sales forecasting, supplier management data, and other related data which is required for organizations operations. The production information comprises forecasting measures; the capacity management, multiple vendor management and other sales information which are equally distributed in the head office as well as in the production plant. The Reverse Flow: The Coca Cola has also an effective reverse logistics or return management in its integrated logistics. Missing the reverse flow management is like omitting and important aspect of the supply chain system. The Coca Cola reverse management system manages the source of return and the cause of the return. Figure: The Supply Chan Management System of the Coca Cola Company Source: Formulated by the author. The Make Process: The Production Planning Process: The basic product of Coca Cola is a concentrated drink and sugar based liquid which are mixed to produce the syrup concentration which is then distributed in bottling plants globally for producing the Coca Cola soft drink. The Coca Cola Company transports the syrup concentration to the individual plants that then produce the drink according to local tastes with mixing refined water. The water is purified through a number of filtration processes to make certain the purity of the water that is used to produce the drink. To make the drink fizzy, Carbon dioxide is stored in plants and then piped in the production process by carbonator and cooler. To maintain the quality standards and safety at workplace, Coca Cola Specifies the measure that should be adopted in these bottling plants. Also, The Coca Cola Company has taken one step further regarding quality control by regular samples are collected from the plants to culture in laboratories to ensure the plants are following the quality sta ndards set by Coca Cola. The plants are provided with the most modern technology existing and also promotes to use the most modern computer technology and statistical process control methods (Rushton, et al. 2014). The packaging process is united by rapid filling methods. The bottling plants have automated production line, where Coca cola bottles and cans are filled automatically with precise amount of the beverage. While the bottles and cans progress the length of production line, they are seamed with ring pull for cans and crowns for bottles and fabricate the finished product. For plastic bottles, they are first bought as test-tube size and are ballooned into bottle shape. The process is completed by scrutinizing the bottles and cans for any leakage or damage. Every can and bottle is coded with an individual code so that it can be tracked. It also includes a date code guarantees which ensures the freshness of the drink. The end product is that we see in the vending machines or in retail shops. Due to its ever growing demand, the management of The Coca Cola Company has adopted the continuous flow production. It is process where the production process is constantly repetitive and indistinguishable stuff goes all the way through the identical series of operations. To ensure a 24 hour production, the bottling plants uses a computer controlled automatic systems. To ensure quality production methods, the quality control employees observe the product and collect test samples. To ensure zero errors, the quality control employees collect statistically selected samples towards the end of the production line. By conducting chemical tests and analysis, they make certain the quality of the product and ensure they meet the standards set by The Coca Cola. It is also their duty to check the packaging. After the production and quality control process, the bottles and cans are ready for distribution. For distribution, the management uses an automatic machine which is known as the case former, which generates the casing so that the cans and bottles are protected when they are arranged on pallets. Then they are distributed to various locations on big distribution trucks. According to my recommendation, the process can be improved if the organization implements a centralized distribution planning process. This can reduce cost and bring effectiveness in the system. For instance, this type of centralized distribution system is used in Walmart. The Material Requirement Planning or MRP: In Coca Cola the Material Requirement Planning or MRP is utilized to create, manage, execute, preserve and constantly develop the soft drink quality and safety management system also keeping harmony with the needs of the organization that constitutes the products and packaging materials supplied to the Coca-Cola system. There is a designated person to monitor the performance of the system who is responsible for the performance of the system with responsibility to report to the higher authority. The Supply Chain Forecast: In any organizational supply chain, forecasting is crucial because it establishes the organizational operational performances. In the strategic business development plans and projects the function if the economic analyst becomes very crucial (Ballou, 2007). An effective forecasting offers a projection of the future demand and change in the customer preferences. It helps in planning strategic business plans to face challenges and changes in the business environment. A successful forecast plan ensures that there is a little gap between the forecast and the actual scenario (Van Weele, 2009). For multinational organizations like Coca Cola a long term forecast will be more suitable to strategically plan and sustain in the market. This will help the organization in new expansions and planning for long term financial conditions. Long term forecasting also fabricates the planning of human resource demand supply (Hieber, 2002). A long term forecast generally lengths 3-10 years in period. Wher eas the management can adopt short term forecasting for reduction of cost of raw materials, planning and implementing sales target, promotional campaigns and short term financial conditions. A forecasting technique is often not accurate but both qualitative as well as quantitative forecasts can be enhanced by gathering participation with the trade partners (Christopher, 2016). The qualitative methods comprise of assumptions and intuitions but quantitative forecasting method is more scientific with use of mathematical and statistical tools. There are mainly qualitative methods, they are: Jury of Executive Opinion, Delphi Method, Customer Survey and Sales Force Composite (Tayur, et al. 2012). Whereas, there are four types of qualitative forecasting methods, they are: Trend variation, cyclical variation, Seasonal variations and Random Variations. As the business environment and the customer demand is shifting and where the situation is uncertain, analysts should rely on qualitative met hods. They should forecast the future by analysing the past trends and patterns. To a degree, non-linear models are efficient to capture the degree of discontinuities however forecasting does not generally effort to deal with this issue (Hugos, 2011). Although according to scholars, there is a modest relation among the average forecast accuracy and inventory performance. The processes create related total costs but the less accurate process gives superior customer service. To meet the customer demand and cope with the shifting taste, the Coca Cola Company should introduce the Consumer survey method to trap the change in the customer demand and analyse the possible factors so that they can effectively face the changing challenges. An effective demand forecast ensures efficient planning and implementation of the resources for business sustainability (Ross, 2013). It is an essential part of demand management as it endows with an approximate demand and foundation for planning and taking effective business decisions. A difference in supply and demand would end in unnecessary inventory and also hamper the brand image. So, a successful analysis should implement both qualitative as well as quantitative analysis to fabricate forecast for planning process. Collaborative planning, forecasting, and replacement is a method in which organizational departments work mutually to build up equally satisfying strategy and take accountability on behalf of their activities (Wisner, et al. 2014). Conclusion: The above study was conducted to study the effectiveness of the four key flows in the supply chain, the make process and the supply chain forecasting of Coca Cola Company. Also, based on my analysis I have recommended development in the supply chain management. The report is an analysis from the point of view of a supply chain manager. This study has discussed the key flow in supply chain in context to product, financial, information and return flow of Coca Cola Company. Also, in the nest part the production process of the Coca Cola drink is critically discussed and according to analysis I have recommended how the process can be improved. Lastly, we have discussed about the significance of the supply chain forecasting in context to the selected organization. In the report we have discussed the importance of forecasting in business decision. The accomplishment of the forecasting purpose is extremely dependent relative on the point of organization support (Blanchard, 2010). In the cont emporary business most of the multinational organizations understand the importance of forecast. Reference: Ballou, R. H. (2007).Business logistics/supply chain management: planning, organizing, and controlling the supply chain. Pearson Education India. Blanchard, D. (2010).Supply chain management best practices. John Wiley Sons. Christopher, M. (2016).Logistics supply chain management. Pearson Higher Ed., B. (2016). Sustainability - The Coca-Cola Company. The Coca-Cola Company. Retrieved 4 November 2016, from, C. (2016). History and Heritage - The Coca-Cola Company. The Coca-Cola Company. Retrieved 4 November 2016, from Cokes Muhtar Kent: Innovation Starts and Ends With the Consumer. (2016). The Coca-Cola Company. Retrieved 4 November 2016, from Hieber, R. (2002).Supply chain management: a collaborative performance measurement approach(Vol. 12). vdf Hochschulverlag AG. Hugos, M. H. (2011).Essentials of supply chain management(Vol. 62). John Wiley Sons. Ross, D. F. (2013).Competing through supply chain management: creating market-winning strategies through supply chain partnerships. Springer Science Business Media. Rushton, A., Croucher, P., Baker, P. (2014).The handbook of logistics and distribution management: Understanding the supply chain. Kogan Page Publishers. Tayur, S., Ganeshan, R., Magazine, M. (Eds.). (2012).Quantitative models for supply chain management(Vol. 17). Springer Science Business Media. Van Weele, A. J. (2009).Purchasing and supply chain management: Analysis, strategy, planning and practice. Cengage Learning EMEA. Wisner, J. D., Tan, K. C., Leong, G. K. (2014).Principles of supply chain management: a balanced approach. Cengage Learning.