Sunday, May 17, 2020

Sociology and Alvarez - 826 Words

Giorgio Knowles 9th September, 2010 Organizational Theory Behavior Liberty Construction Company 1. Discuss this case in terms of the social system, equilibrium, the psychological contract, role, status, and status symbols Liberty Construction Company is a small company in Colorado. Over half its revenue is derived from the installation of underground water and power lines, so much of its work is season and turnover among its employees is high. With so many high turnovers the social system established within the company leads the employees to believe that retaining a job there mean you are a very important person. A social system is a complex set of human relationships interacting in many ways. Within a single†¦show more content†¦Alvarez felt he was treated unfairly because he was a full time worker and Federico was only part time despite having more time accumulated. Employees tend to have lower satisfaction because not all their expectations are being met. Being demoted by a part time worker signaled to Alvarez that he was not of much value to the company. After being emotionally scared the economic factor wasn’t satisfying enough so he quit his job. However, the actions taken by Alvarez were not fully justifiable because he didn’t understand his role or Federico’s with the company. A role reflects a person’s position in the social system, with its accompanying rights and obligations, power and responsibility. Actions taking by Alvarez were guided by his role perceptions. He perceived he was of high importance because he was kept with the company over 7 months. Truthfully Alvarez had no right to act the way he did, he was just a worker not a manger and his job was not in danger. His role perception led to a role conflict within the company. Such conflict makes it difficult to meet one set of expectations without rejecting another. He rejected the fact that Federico had seniority over him and simply saw him as a part time worker. Moving to the older backhoe Alvarez experienced a loss of status which is a serious event for most people. It became so serious that the entire company split into two groups; those forShow MoreRelatedThe Symbolic Interactionalism Theory Of Hate Crime1347 Words   |  6 Pagesframework, such individuals have been â€Å"violentised† by the environmental factors they were exposed to (Spohn, 2008, pp. 106-107). Fields, Copp and Kleinman (2006) agree with the above stated and contend that â€Å"symbolic interactionism in the field of sociology† emphasise the importance of individuals keeping their emotion in check. If they are unable to, their relationship with society will be violent and contentious. 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